
The Neurosurgery Department at the Saudi German Hospital – Cairo is home to an advanced and sophisticated service providing a full range of neurosurgical practices dedicated to providing prompt and accurate diagnosis and management for patients with neurosurgical disorders


  • Treatment of cases of acute stroke resulting from ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Treatment of excessive acute stroke while undergoing clotting treatment used for clot analysis
  • Treatment of neck pain and lower back pain.
  • Treatment of epilepsy cases.
  • Treatment of multiple sclerosis cases
  • Treat all central nervous system infections.
  • Treat all cases of peripheral neuropathy.
  • Treat all kinds of headaches.
  • Treatment of dizziness and dizziness cases.
  • Treatment of cases of poor concentration, memory failure, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Treatment of Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders.
  • Treatment of sleep disorders.
  • Treatment of anxiety and depression.
  • The Department of Neurological Diseases is equipped with the latest diagnostic devices and tools to diagnose various neurological disorders:
  • Electrical Brain Drawing (EEG)
  • Monitor electrical brain drawing by video
  • Sleep lab to diagnose all sleep disorders.
  • Electrical muscle drawing for diagnosis of various muscle diseases (EMG).
  • Rapid neural conductivity studies to diagnose various neurological disorders (NCV).
  • Magnetic resonance on the brain, which can be used to detect acute stroke within 30 minutes of the occurrence.

The stroke Unit which is part of the Department of Neurology provides medical care to the stroke patient of all kinds

نحن نقدم الرعاية الصحية على أعلى مستوى من الجودة والأمان فى مصر . وتشتهر المستشفى بأقسام جراحة القلب والصدر، وأمراض القلب، وعلاج أمراض الأوعية الدموية، الأورام، زراعة الأعضاء، و جراحة العظام. وقد استطاعت مستشفى فريد حبيب أن تجذب أفضل الخبرات فى الطب والإدارة من أكثر المؤسسات الطبية تميزاً محلياً وعالمياً. ويقدم أطباؤنا وموظفونا المرموقون لمرضانا العناية الطبية والجراحية النادرة لتدعيم أعلى مستويات الصحة والراحة.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة – Smart Innovation Solutions 2022