
The ENT Department at Farid Habib hospital is equipped to deal with the most complex diseases of the ear, nose, and throat via diagnosis and treatment either medical or surgical. Our team of specialized doctors and staff are internationally,.exceptionally trained, and have a rich experience with a proven track record in managing the most complex ENT cases


Nose and Sinus:

All types of laparoscopic sinus surgery for the treatment of sinusitis, nasal and sinus tumors
(Plastic surgery of the nose (diaphragm and nose)
Rhinoplasty for the improvement of nasal breathing through the use of the completion technique
Dealing with nasal fractures and nasal emergencies such as acute nasal bleeding or entering a foreign nasal body
Diagnosis and treatment of all types of allergic rhinitis

: Ear

All tests for diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and ear tingling and dizziness through the use of high-quality equipment. All types of ear surgery including improved hearing loss by tympanoplasty and cochlear implants for deaf children

Larynx and pharynx:

We have all the modern equipment for diagnosing and treating laryngeal problems and diseases such as vocal cord diseases, voice change, and benign and malignant tumors of the larynx using microscopy technology and flexible laryngoscopy.

Nose and throat emergency:

Our ENT department prepares 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all ENT emergencies such as acute nosebleeds, oral bleeding, foreign body entry into the ENT area, broken nose, abscesses, and stridor in children.

The facilities :

We use all equipment with the latest technology.
Rigid and Flexible Nose and Throat Endoscope for Diagnostic
Skin or blood allergy test

Study with photography:

Ultrasound for a 24-hour MRI.

Ear and throat implants:

All equipment is needed to correct the disease, and treat hearing loss and vertigo (audiometry, tympanoplasty, thermogram.)

نحن نقدم الرعاية الصحية على أعلى مستوى من الجودة والأمان فى مصر . وتشتهر المستشفى بأقسام جراحة القلب والصدر، وأمراض القلب، وعلاج أمراض الأوعية الدموية، الأورام، زراعة الأعضاء، و جراحة العظام. وقد استطاعت مستشفى فريد حبيب أن تجذب أفضل الخبرات فى الطب والإدارة من أكثر المؤسسات الطبية تميزاً محلياً وعالمياً. ويقدم أطباؤنا وموظفونا المرموقون لمرضانا العناية الطبية والجراحية النادرة لتدعيم أعلى مستويات الصحة والراحة.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة – Smart Innovation Solutions 2022