
The Farid Habib hospital offers a wide range of medical and surgical services related to the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, and urethra), the genital system, and the prostate.


Urology/Urology and gynecology/Urological surgery for females:

UTI infections
Chronic pelvic pain in women
Incontinence (treatment by partially subordinate dilemma creation surgeries, dilemma creation surgeries without the use of insulators (TVT, TOT))
Repair the bottom of the pelvis.

Neurological urinary tract:

Medical Treatment for Bladder Hyperactivity (OAB)
Botox for overactive bladder
Dysfunction in the urination process
Electrical stimulation of impotent bladder nerves


Enlarged prostate
Chronic prostatitis
Prostate Cancer
Chronic pelvic pain in men

Stone Clinic:

Fragmentation of stones by a shock of waves directed from outside the body ESWL
Fragmentation of stones using lasers
Flexible urethra binoculars
Transdermal kidney stone extract PCNL

Urological Binoculars:

Ablation of prostate (while maintaining nerves).
Partial kidney eradication
Kidney eradication
Cosmetic kidney sink

A testicle in its abnormal position.

Suspension of the uterus colposacropexy
Testicular varicose veins.
Pediatric Urology:
Incontinence Night Urine
Moral distortions

Urology Surgery:

Chemotherapy (prostate, bladder, and testicle cancer)
Hormone treatment (prostate cancer)
Targeted treatment (kidney cancer)
Installation of a chemotherapy outlet

Masculinity Unit:

Erectile dysfunc
Hurling Speed
Artificial Penis Transplant
Peyronie ′ .s disease

Kidney failure:

Chronic Total Moh
Kidney hypertension
Fibrosis behind the preton
Installation of dialysis catheter
Kidney transplant

Infertility Unit:

Treatment of varicocele and men’s fertility

نحن نقدم الرعاية الصحية على أعلى مستوى من الجودة والأمان فى مصر . وتشتهر المستشفى بأقسام جراحة القلب والصدر، وأمراض القلب، وعلاج أمراض الأوعية الدموية، الأورام، زراعة الأعضاء، و جراحة العظام. وقد استطاعت مستشفى فريد حبيب أن تجذب أفضل الخبرات فى الطب والإدارة من أكثر المؤسسات الطبية تميزاً محلياً وعالمياً. ويقدم أطباؤنا وموظفونا المرموقون لمرضانا العناية الطبية والجراحية النادرة لتدعيم أعلى مستويات الصحة والراحة.

جميع الحقوق محفوظة – Smart Innovation Solutions 2022